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How Can We Prepare For A Graceful Death?

Part 5 of theTED Radio Hour episode Rethinking Death

About BJ Miller's TED Talk

At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? BJ Miller is a palliative care physician who thinks about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients.

About BJ Miller

As executive director at Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco, BJ Miller helps patients face their own deaths realistically, comfortably and on their own terms. Through the work of Zen Hospice Project, Miller is cultivating a model for palliative care organizations around the world and emphasizing healthcare's quixotic relationship with the inevitability of death.

Miller's passion for palliative care stems from personal experience. A horrific accident in college cost him three limbs and nearly killed him. But that experience helped form the foundation of his empathy for patients who are running out of time.

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