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Hospital cuts total $510M, FHA says

The Legislature's decision to cut Medicaid rates to hospitals by 12 percent will result in a total loss of $510 million, according to an analysis by Florida Hospital Association.

With a $72-million anticipated loss, the hardest-hit is Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, which is already in bad financial straits. Altogether, Dade County hospitals stand to lose $125 million, FHA says.

Broward County's hospitals face a total loss of $48 million; Orange County, $49 million; and Hillsborough County, $41 million.

Total hospital losses for Duval County: $32 million; Alachua and Palm Beach counties, $27 million each; and Pinellas, $22 million.

To see the estimated loss for each hospital in the state, look here.

Carol Gentry, founder and special correspondent of Health News Florida, has four decades of experience covering health finance and policy, with an emphasis on consumer education and protection.