The state could see a $30 million drop in sales tax revenue if an amendment banning assault weapons in Florida is passed.
The Financial Impact Estimating Conference wrapped up its economic analysis Monday on a proposed assault weapons ban. Chief Economist Amy Baker says the projected financial loss is not significant.
"When you’re talking about losing somewhere between $23 and $30 million, it doesn’t register as a big significant change. It’s less than one-tenth of 1% of the total state budget," says Baker.
But she says individuals and corporations could feel a bigger impact.
“What became very clear is there will be some business that will no longer be able to operate, that will shut down."

Charlie Strickland, owner of Talon Range in Tallahassee, says most of his gun sales would become illegal if the proposed amendment is approved.
"The voters if they vote for this very misleading amendment will cost me about 20% percent of my business. Not crippling if I had a 21% profit margin, but I don't," he explained.
Strickland says losing that much profit would force him to close.
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